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About Lark Lane Pottery Classes in Liverpool

Last revised 26/02/2025.

Welcome to our website.

MEMBERS Please text one of the Johns if you are a Member and need the BOOK page password.

John Ayling 07779592337

John Parker 07817976422

NEWCOMERS We are sorry we do not currently have any vacancies; please check back at a later date.

PRIOR EXPERIENCE ? If you have not been to Lark Lane Pottery before but have experience and would require just a little help, please get in touch with us if you would like to join our sessions.

greg's bowl.jpg

Bowl by Greg Barker

h 8 1/2”, hand-built and decorated with Velvet Underglaze colours at Lark Lane Pottery


Lark Lane Pottery daytime and evening pottery classes have a friendly community feel and are open to beginners and experienced potters.


The Pottery is part of the Lark Lane Community Centre at the Old Police Station on Lark Lane, postcode L17 8UU.

What.Three.Words: wanted.risk.dare

The Pottery is accessed from the first door on the side street, Sefton Grove.  The pottery is located in the old cells  so the layout can be a little impractical, but workable, at busy times.


The pottery classes are run by John Parker and John Ayling. Between us we have over 60 years of experience. We offer sessions to 30 to 40 people of all levels each week with up to 12 people in one session.

What we offer

We provide space, tools and equipment for you to realise your projects in clay. We provide facilities for working on the potters wheel (we have 6 electric wheels and 2 kick-wheels) and for hand-building by coiling, slab-building or modelling. We use a red earthenware clay body and try to offer this at a consistency suitable for throwing and most hand-building methods (slabs need to stiffen). 

We offer a range of glazes and techniques for applying colour to your work.

If you are a complete beginner we will be glad to help get you started by showing you basic techniques for making pots on the wheel and by hand-building. Please go to our New-Starters’ page for more information on New-Starter Blocks . . .


Many people attend the pottery classes each week and we do our best to make sure everybody’s work is fired within a week or two of being put in the kiln room. From time to time we may need to ask that you bear with us as our kilns may be full to capacity. In general we are unable to fire large volumes of repeat work from skilled throwers. Please talk to us before embarking on particularly large items.


We offer the following sessions for Members:

Tuesday evening with John P: 6.30pm to 9.00pm

Wednesday evening with John A: 6.30pm to 9.00pm

Thursday afternoon with John A: 1.00pm to 3.30pm

Thursday evening with John A: 6.30pm to 9.00pm

Saturday afternoons with John P: 1.00pm to 3.30pm